So, as some of you may know at the beginning of October I colored my hair to like a shade darker than my natural color. Well, I decided I wanted to be darker. I love it! One of my drivers ed. students said I could be a vampire with my dark hair and pale complexion. We had a good laugh about that! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Gone Dark!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Project
This year for Christmas I thought I would use last Christmas' gift. No, I am not re-gifting! That is sooooooo not my style. I am going to sew my Christmas gifts. They are going be to amazingly fabulous and relaxing. I am so excited! The only snag in my plan is when am I going to have the time to sew.
I guess I thought the more I fell into a "groove", thanks Emperor Kuzco for letting me borrow, the more free time I would have. But, once again drivers ed. has returned to my life much sooner than I had expected. Then there's vacations, holidays, friends, and oh yeah my career enriching the minds of the future leaders of our fine nation. Gee, where does all my time go
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Domestic Goddess'
Mel and I started making these aprons in June and we finally finished. I highly recommend Amy Butler's Domestic Goddess apron patterns. It was a great project to learn to sew on. Sewing is so much fun! I think we look fab!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Reading Soundtrack
So, over Fall Break I finally had a chance to start a new book, "My Life in France" by Julie Child. I felt prompted to read this book after seeing the movie Julie and Julia. Which if you have seen it you absolutely must! I won't go into the details of the movie because I am not writing about the movie. I have also felt an affinity to the French culture and this book reaffirmed my desire to visit the world. Anyway in this short memoir Julie shares the adventures of Paul, her husband, and herself in the wonderful land of France. If you decide to read this book may I make some listening suggestions while reading this book.
1. Amelie, the soundtrack to the original motion picture
2.Chocolate, also the soundtrack to the movie
3.Django Reinhart (I think that's how you spell his name)
4. Anything by Ella Fitzgerald
5.Solitude Album by Billie Holiday (one of my favorites)
P.S. If you go to a bookstore to purchase this book it is found in the food commentary section close to the cookbooks! Enjoy!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 1:46 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dress and Do Your Best!
Well, as my roommate's boyfriend said as I stated I was teaching again, "welcome back to the work force!" In many ways I feel like I never had a vacation. I blinked and now I'm back at school. I really think this year will be pretty awesome. I will have my first experience being a mentor teacher. Yes, that's right I have finally entered the realm of my teaching career where I mentor the educators of the future. I think it is quite thrilling myself. We'll see how it goes, I have no idea what to expect or what to do besides teach her how to teach. I have decided to live by the same philosophy I have for my PE classes, "Dress and Do Your Best!" Most importantly, I'm "never fully dressed without a smile." Hehe. I am convinced from my observations that I teach at one of the best schools in the United States. My administrators are caring, supportive, and give the necessary freedom I need to create a student centered learning environment. Not to mention our faculty are pretty amazing and our students are awesome. I am happy to dress and do my best for myself and my school community! I challenge everyone to try "Dress and Do Your Best", try it for two weeks at least. If you find yourself, humming, smiling, and being more friendly to those around you I guarantee it is working. Let me know what happens!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Good Ol' Washington with a little Canada!
So, for the past two weeks I made my bi-annual trek to my home state of Washington. It was great to be with my family. As many of you know I am aspiring to make sewing a hobby, what be a trip home to the big city without fabric. The Seattle area is a fabric and sewing accessories gold mine. I wish I had the daily access to fabric stores as Seattleites do. I am sew, haha, excited to get sewing. Also, while in Seattle my family rode the Duck. Next, I head to Puyallup. I was able to visit and meet the new babies of the family Troy and Sebastian, they are so cute. I was also able to spend some time with my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. One of the highlights of my trip was visiting my brother, Tyler, and his fiance, Kim, in Olympia.
We went kayaking in Capital Lake and went to Red Robin for dinner; which end-up being free because our food ticket got lost. On Thursday Claudia, my stepmom, and I left on the Victoria Clipper for Victoria, Cananda. I got use my passport! We stayed at the Historic Fairmont Empress. At the hotel restaurant, we ate the best steak I have ever had. Friday, we visited the Historic Butchart Gardens. I have never seen a garden more diversely landscaped it was beautiful. Saturday we went to the Royal BC Museum. They had a touring exhibit entitled Treasures. The exhibit had the Lewis Chessmen that inspired the Wizards Chess pieces in Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone. It was a very eventful trip and it is always fun to be with my family.
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
No Singing During Driver's Ed
So, this week I finally began my traditional summer job of teaching driver's education at Provo High School. You know when you haven't done something in a while like, riding a bicycle, swimming, or playing the piano? It always takes you a couple of tries to get it right. Well, teaching driver's ed. was like that, only they seemed to come later. The section I am currently teaching is called the range. The first day I am in the car with the students and we go to each maneuver and I instruct them in the proper steps to complete the skill. Then, for the rest of the week I sit up in the booth and I correct them using a microphone connected to the radio. The unfortunate part of the situation is the microphone does not turn off very easily. You know me if I here a song I know I sing along, I am not one for huge public audiences so there has been no singing during the range. My absentmindedness generally comes quickly and I can remedy the situation without anyone ever noticing. Well, this week I was a little blonde. First, on Wednesday one the cars wouldn't start so I had to use my tough-girl skills and jump it. Then, on Friday I had known one of the cars needed gas, but just forgot so it almost was on empty. So, I had to go get a new car from the other side of campus at which time the car that died on Wednesday, died again. I am certainly getting good at jumping cars! Tomorrow I am off to the range again!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 12:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Down with Big Tobacco!
So, today congress passed legislation that gives the FDA the authority to regulate tobacco products. I encourage you to check out the details, . I tell my health students each semester if you have a smoker in your life and it concerns you do something about it, in a loving way. In my opinion, tobacco related diseases and deaths are preventable help those you love!....Maybe I should have entitled this blog "Lindsay's Soap Box"!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 6:30 PM 3 comments
In the beginning, why a blog?
I decided to create this blog largely because I really stink at emailing people. So, pretty much most of my family lives in other states, I figured this would be great way for us to keep in contact and share in the progression of life! Here's to blogging!
Posted by Lindsay Kay at 5:26 PM 0 comments