Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Lone September Post

So, I am sitting here during parent/teacher conferences; me playing the teacher. I realized I haven't blogged in awhile. I thought I would share the happenings in my life. First, I love being a blond and second, I have decide to grow my hair. Seriously, I am! The last time I had hair below the middle of my neck was when I was in 7th grade. I am going to give it a shot.
Thoughts I have pondered since the start of the school year:
1. I really enjoy teaching PE. It has been hard but most enjoyable on a whole; sometimes I change my mind after teaching my 7th period. I am optimistic that the students I am having issue with will make better choices.
2.The debate about cutting tenure. I have mixed opinions. I think it's important to monitor and encourage the progress and development of all employees. I have concerns about what that means for me. I don't teach a subject that requires students to pass core testing so will I just show improvement how, the fitness testing I do?
3.I miss sewing and I am excited to do it this weekend!
4. Mickey and friends I am coming to visit in two short weeks with some friends of my own! Thanks Rachel for the sweet hook-up!
5.Ode to Mom. My mom is the coolest ever. I am grateful for you, your love and concern, and now that I am an adult your endure friendship! Love you Mom.